Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lab 2: USGS Topographic Maps

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
2. Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood
3. 1966
4. North American Datum of 1927, North American Datum 1983, and Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5. 1 : 24,000
6. a) 1200m
    b) 1.89393939miles
    c) 2.64in
    d) 12.5cm
7.  20ft
8. a)Public Affairs Building
   Latitude:  DMS: N  34°  4' 28"   Decimal Degree: 34.074444
   Longitude: DMS: W 118° 26' 20"   Decimal Degree: 118.438889
    b)Tip of the Santa Monica Pier
   Latitude:  DMS: N  34°  0' 26"   Decimal Degree: 34.007222
   Longitude: DMS: W 118° 29' 59"   Decimal Degree: 118.499722
    c)Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir
   Latitude:  DMS: N  34°  7' 12"   Decimal Degree: 34.12
   Longitude: DMS: W 118° 24' 36"   Decimal Degree: 118.41
9. a)Greystone Mansion  ~560ft  ~170.688m
    b)Woodlawn Cemetery  ~140ft  ~42.672m
    c)Crestwood Hills Park  ~640ft  ~195.072m
10. zone 11
11. 3763000 Northing and 362000 Easting
12. 1,000,000 sq. meters
13. graph x and y axis- elevation(ft) in respect to easting
14. 14 degrees. 249 miles.
15. South because the elevation lowers as you go south.

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